[Chapter 1: Occupant Sin 4]
Chapter 1: Occupant Sin 4
Mr. S. Pain goes to Spain! Travelling to a remote rural location with the Captain to buy a biological weapon, Pain finds himself suddenly up against a massive cult of Spanish brainwashed zealots out for his blood.
Can the intervention of a seven-foot Scotsman and a well-dressed woman who looks suspiciously like his accountant save the day? And what role does the druggie superagent Jack Bauser play in things?
(It's basically Resident Evil 4. Seriously.)
Episode published on Friday 8th of September, 2006.
Yes, I know it's actually spelt "pueblo" (meaning "village") but I had a perfectly good pube (as in pubic hair) joke and felt it was worth bastardising the Spanish language for it.
I remember first seeing RE4 being played at the house of a friend of a friend. He was speculating at the time that the tripwire bombs might imply that Albert Wesker was around, but I can confirm that Wesker's role in the events of RE4 are minimal at best. If you don't know who Albert Wesker is, let me explain.
Wesker (often pronounced "WESSSSKKKEEEEERRRR" at the top of your voice) is Resident Evil's recurring antagonist. He basically orchestrates the events of the first game, fakes his own death and then comes back as Neo from the Matrix. His role is to be the man behind the scene, manipulating events and occasionally appearing in person to kick arse and break the laws of physics over his knee. Cool, calm, calculated, Wesker would only meet his end in the finale of Resident Evil 5 (SPOILER), and even after his death people are still contending that he'll be back (it's kinda his "thing").
Either way, I don't know why tripwire bombs = Wesker but it gave me an excuse to go off on one here. Wesker only appears in RE4's bonus Ada missions, depending on which version of the game you buy. Who is Ada, you ask? That's an entry for another time.
As for the wolf, there was one with its leg stuck in a bear trap in the game, and it was too damn cute not to let free. Unless you were on a second play-through of the game and had all the high-powered explosives, in which case how could you not provide wolfie with a viking burial?
Tagged: The Captain, Location - Spain, Max ValerionTitle - 22: "Occupant Sin 4"
Subtitle - iii. "The Delights of the Spanish Countryside"
(Pain and the Captain are outside, having confronted the attacking farmers. Pain puts a bullet into the head of a farmer with his Magnum revolver.)
Pain: That's the last of them.
Captain: Goddamn psychos! Our car!
(Pain and Captain look down into the ravine at the river below, where their car and the truck that pushed it down are ablaze. They begin to walk away and Pain points at the sign nailed to the tree, the one with "Pubelo" written on it.)
Pain: It's alright. Look at that sign, there's a town not too far away from here.
(The Captain smirks at the sign.)
Captain: "Pubelo"...heh heh, "pube".
Pain: Oh shush. Come on.
(We cut to a bit later, where Pain and the Captain are strolling through the forest. Pain is stepping through some bushes.)
Narrator: And so-
Pain: ...So when we get into town, we don't mention the little fracas at the house back there, right? I don't think it would go down well with the locals.
Captain: Right.
(The Captain suddenly reaches out and stops Pain from stepping forward from the bushes.)
Captain: Whoa! Careful, Boss!
(Pain leans down, examining the bear trap and a tripwire tied to a bomb just beyond the bush he is standing in.)
Tripwire bomb: BEEP! BLIP!
Pain: Another bear trap?
Captain: Tripwires, too. They must have a serious bear problem or something.
(Pain looks up, noticing something nearby, and points at a wolf with its leg stuck in one of the many bear traps around the immediate area.)
Pain: Over there, look! A wolf has its leg trapped!
(Pain and the Captain approach the animal, the wolf looking at them stupidly.)
Pain: Well, there's only one thing to do. We'll just have to-
Captain: -One step ahead of ya.
Wolf: Arf?
(The Captain reaches into his flak jacket. There's the sound of a hammer being cocked as the wolf stares up with puppy dog eyes.)
Wolf: Arf?
(The Captain opens up his mini-UZI on the poor wolf, but we don't actually see any violence - the Captain fires his gun out of frame towards the wolf's direction.)
Wolf: Whimper!
(The Captain turns to Pain, smoking gun in hand. Pain is squinting with anger with his right eye.)
Captain: ...You were going to say "put it out of its misery", right?
Pain: No.
(The Captain bows his head in guilt.)
Captain: Oops. My bad.
(Pain just nods his head angrily in response.)
Detulux Incorporated copyright © 2005 - 2025 Sean Patrick Payne and Sam Dyer-Payne.