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What is a GunJunker?


noun slang

  1. An individual who sells second-hand firearms that are not in good condition.
    "that gunjunker sold me a gun that doesn't work"
  2. An individual addicted to the buying and use of guns.
    "that gunjunker loves guns so much"

It's not easy being an arms dealer.

You've got policemen, secret agents and vigilantes to worry about, and those are just the good guys. Then you've got assassins, rival villains, mercenaries, mad scientists and even the odd environmental protester to consider, and that's not even mentioning the risks of your own hired help...

The captain of your security force is thoroughly disinterested in everything. Your bodyguard keeps adopting large, ferocious "pets" that live in the woods out back. The accountant is (not so) secretly trying to steal all of your business. The base's one medical staff member has only ever taken a basic first aid course. The hacker keeps complaining about the servers being located in the boiler room.

There's paperwork to fill out. The henchmen have unionised and demand free dental care. Someone keeps leaving body armour and emergency medical kits lying around on the grounds of the base for anyone to pick up.

The infamous arms dealer and self-professed gunjunker Max Velarion just wants to sell some weapons. Is that so much to ask?

GunJunker (formerly known as Detulux Incorporated) follows the exploits of Max Velarion and his band of eclectic and eccentric employees as they do business and avoid the long arm of the law. They often find themselves stumbling into someone else's adventure - adventures that might be somewhat familiar to film buffs and gamers.

A parody comic that mocks (and yet admires) all those adventure stories that we all covet, exploring just what being the lesser villain involves.