[Chapter 3: The Consortium]
Chapter 3: The Consortium
Pain receives an invite to a recruitment open day from his accountant for a group calling itself "The Consortium". Seeking answers regarding the events in Spain a month prior, he heads off to the meeting with the Detulux crew in tow.
Also attending are several high-profile criminals, including the heads of the criminal organisation W.R.A.I.T.H, and several less reputable criminals including the two doctors, Smiffington and Gyrode...
The last Detulux Incorporated storyline before the comic became GunJunker.
Episode published on Wednesday 1st of August, 2018.
You'll either know who the chap at the end is or you won't. It's that kind of gag!
Artist's note: Mara's just confused because this is a posh shindig and yet that guy somehow managed to get a can of beer from somewhere...
Tagged: The Captain, Den Ikkeenhed, Dr. Ivanovich Gregori Romani Gyrode, Dr. Ralph Smiffington III, Elijah Cutter, Frank Sancho, Kunz Cruci Grunveldt, Location - Consortium Meeting Warehouse, Mara Kyler, Max Valerion, Number Zwei, W.R.A.I.T.H.Title - 130: "The Consortium"
Subtitle - xii. "The Old Name Game"
(This episode picks up where episode #128 left off and takes place the same time as the last episode, except we see what's happening from the other side of the room. Pain leans in towards Samara, smiling.)
Pain: Alright, Samara. We'll play it your way.
Mara: Oh, it's just "Mara" now. I changed my name.
Pain: ...That's your nickname. Everyone calls you that anyway.
(Mara pokes Pain playfully on the nose.)
Mara: Because it sounds better than my full name. So I changed it, official like.
Pain: I don't think you can do it just like that.
Mara: Sure thing, Sebastian Paine. Or are you back to being Silas Ravenclaw this month?
Pain: Okay, okay. You've got a point though. I'm thinking of changing it again. I'm getting a bit fed up of people calling me "Mr. Spain" by accident.
(Over his shoulder, Pain notices Dr. Ralph Smiffington the Third across the room. He is suddenly unsure of himself.)
Pain: Oh damn.
(Pain pulls Mara in and hunches down slightly.)
Mara: What?
Pain: Don't look, I don't want him to see me.
Mara: Who?
(Pain points over his shoulder, Mara sneeks a look over hers.)
Pain: The angry ginger midget. What's he doing here?
(As Mara explains, she recalls an image of a giant robot smashing up a city. It has skull-like features, a moustache and a fez. It's surrounded by fire and is firing a laser from its mouth.)
Mara: Dr. Ralph Smiffington the Third? Well - and I only skimmed the details - he and Dr. Ivanovich Gyrode - that's the old guy stood next to him - they recently stole and sold a load of valuable data from some big robotics company and then supposedly levelled some remote city using a giant robot*. Something like that.
Narrator: *No, really, go read Steel Nation: Rise of the Two Doctors!
(Pain rubs his chin.)
Pain: Huh. Wish I'd known about that before stealing that big laser gun from Ralph last month*.
Narrator: *See Episode 88!
Mara: What?
(Pain feigns innocence.)
Pain: Nothing.
(Turning, he realises that Ralph has seen him.)
Pain: Oh shit, he's seen me. Just wave.
(Mara and Pain wave back at Ralph. It's the reverse of the scene from last episode, so we can see Ralph is trembling with anger. Gyrode waves back, smiling. He's just happy to be there.)
Pain: There's no way that old guy's moustache is real. I bet that's a wig, too.
Mara: The moustache is real. Bet you a tenner to prove it isn't.
Pain: Best deal I've made all night.
(Captain appears with a plate of food and a large subway sandwich. He's too engrossed in his food to notice Mara.)
Captain: Can't find her anywhere, Boss.
(He suddenly notices Mara, she and Pain currently mid-embrace. They both look unimpressed with the Captain.)
Captain: Scratch that, look, she's right here.
Pain: (rolling his eyes) Thanks.
Captain: Tol' you I'd find her.
(Mara checks her watch.)
Mara: Oh damn, we're running late.
(She kisses Pain on the cheek, he blushes.)
Mara: Speak to you after the seminar!
(She calls out to the room, pointing to the conference table.)
Mara: Okay people, if we could all make our way over to the conference table, we're about to start the proceedings!
(A man with long hair and jewellry finger claws wiggles a beer can at her.)
Man: Can ve bring the brewskies?
Mara: Er, yeah, sure?
Detulux Incorporated copyright © 2005 - 2025 Sean Patrick Payne and Sam Dyer-Payne.