[Chapter 2: An Inspector Calls]
Chapter 2: An Inspector Calls
The Detulux team are shocked when the latest INTERPOL agent assigned to their case, Inspector Jacques Russo, puts two-and-two together and realises that Detulux Incorporated the legitimate domestics supplier might have something to do with Detulux Incorporated the illegal arms trading firm.
There's a mad scramble as Inspector Russo makes a surprise visit to Detulux HQ. Will Russo find evidence of a link and arrest the team? Is Pain really dressing as Doc Holliday and putting on a terrible Southern drawl as a disguise? What does Pain's (very expensive) solicitor have to say about all this?
Episode published on Sunday 28th of May, 2017.
I'd like to take credit for the visual metaphor of the rainstorm hitting Detulux while Inspector Russo is present and then the sun coming out when he leaves, but that was all the artist. But then without my script she couldn't have improvised the visual metaphor, so I think I will take credit after all.
Tagged: The Captain, D.P. Slymme, Frank the Henchman, Inspector Jacques Russo, Location - Detulux HQ, Location - Paris, France, Max Valerion, Sebastian Paine the CEO of DetuluxTitle - 115: "An Inspector Calls"
Subtitle - xxvi. "A High Price to Pay for Innocence"
Narrator: At the end of the tour...
(The rain stops and the sun emerges from behind grey clouds. Paine and Slymme escort Russo to the front gate with one remaining polic escort, the others having already left. Russo and the police woman are dripping wet.)
Slymme: I trust that this little tour has satisfied your suspicions, Inspector?
Russo: Hmm, not particulairly.
Paine: That is a darn shame. Ahm glad we could arrange this little rendezvous to assist ya'll with yer investigation, Inspector. Ah can only wish you the best.
Russo: Indeed.
(Russo prods a finger into Pain's chest.)
Russo: Let's just sai ai weehl be keepeng a keen eye on you all. Good dai, jén-tellmen.
(Russo gets into his police car and leaves with the police woman via the front security checkpoint. Pain bends forward, exhaling a massive sigh of relief.)
Pain: Well thank Christ that's over. I need a drink.
Slymme: You're not concerned that he's still suspicious?
(Pain removes his hat and runs a hand through his hair.)
Pain: I've got an idea about that, mate.
Slymme: I'm sure you do. I suppose that my work is done and it is time for me to be going, then.
Pain: Righto, I'll have my accountant get in touch to sort out the bill.
Slymme: The accountant…
(A momentary flash of uncharacteristic shock comes over Slymme. He imagines Samara, surrounded by flames. She has large devil horns, a spiked tail and a forked tongue.)
(Slymme snaps out of his ruminations, quickly returning to his normal smug self.)
Slymme: Oh no, that won't be necessary! No need to bother her!
Pain: It won't be a bother. It's her job?
(Slymme puts his arm around Pain.)
Slymme: No, no, she's a busy woman, no need to disturb her!
(Slymme removes a sheet of paper from his jacket covered in writing, it unfolds to reveal that it is actually quite long.)
Slymme: Why don't you just write me out a cheque now rather than wasting her time, calling her into the office, setting up meetings and so forth. My bill [plus expenses, labour and other negotiable expenditures]. Just sign on the dotted line.
Pain: Erm. Okay.
(Pain tries reading the lengthy bill, he is clearly baffled.)
Pain: Seems reasonable...I guess?
(Slymme presents a pen and allows Pain to use his back as a surface to sign the document on. Slymme snaps the singed bill out of Pain's hand and pockets it, doffing his hat as he goes to leave. The Captain approaches.)
Slymme: Thank you kindly. If you require any further services please don't hesitate to contact, I am always available [availability subject to terms and actual availability]. Good day!
(Slymme makes his exit, leaving the Captain with Pain.)
Captain: You didn't actually sign that, did you? Your accountant's going to kill you!
(Pain tweaks the end of his fake moustache in a rougish fashion.)
Pain: Probably, but that's probably going to happen at some point, regardless of how much I spend! She's complicated like that.
Captain: You have the best relationships with women, Boss.
Detulux Incorporated copyright © 2005 - 2025 Sean Patrick Payne and Sam Dyer-Payne.