[Chapter 2: An Inspector Calls]
Chapter 2: An Inspector Calls
The Detulux team are shocked when the latest INTERPOL agent assigned to their case, Inspector Jacques Russo, puts two-and-two together and realises that Detulux Incorporated the legitimate domestics supplier might have something to do with Detulux Incorporated the illegal arms trading firm.
There's a mad scramble as Inspector Russo makes a surprise visit to Detulux HQ. Will Russo find evidence of a link and arrest the team? Is Pain really dressing as Doc Holliday and putting on a terrible Southern drawl as a disguise? What does Pain's (very expensive) solicitor have to say about all this?
Episode published on Sunday 20th of November, 2016.
Back when I decided to have Ben befriend the monster from Resident Evil 4, I didn't know what I was going to do with it. I certainly didn't expect it to end up being a guard dog patrolling the woods out the back of the Detulux compound, that's for sure!
Tagged: Bono, D.P. Slymme, Frank the Henchman, Inspector Jacques Russo, Location - Detulux HQ, Location - Paris, France, Location - The Detulux Gardens, Max Valerion, Sebastian Paine the CEO of DetuluxTitle - 107: "An Inspector Calls"
Subtitle - xviii. "Mr. Bono the Gardener"
(The tour heads out the front entrance. Along with Russo's retinue of police persons, two Detulux elite henchmen have joined and are carrying umbrellas for Pain and Slymme. They have noticeably left Russo without umbrella coverage to get wet in the rain.)
Paine: Now we'll head over to the warehouses, and you can see for yourself that we've nuthin' to hide!
(As the group walks past a dark treeline, Russo notices a glowing pair of red eyes. He points into the woods, just as they disappear.)
Russo: Ai thought ai saw zumtheng glowéng bak zeré...
Paine: Oh we'd better not go off in that direction, mah gardener is very hostile. He doesn't like people traipsing through his flower beds.
(A noise comes from the woods, startling Pain and Russo.)
(Pain sidles up to Russo in a reassuring manner, ushering him onwards.)
Paine: That'll be him now, grumbling away! Best we skip this part of the tour, eh?
Russo: Yur gardénair doesn't like people?
Paine: Oh no, he loves people!
(As Russo walks onwards, Pain leans in towards Slymme.)
Pain: (quietly) He thinks they taste fantastic.
(We see the view from the woods, from within the darkness. Watching the party move along is Ben's pet monster that he befriended in Spain that he named "Bono".)
Bono: HISSS...
Episode tagline: The Detulux gardener is particularly good at licking tough weeds. Literally.
Detulux Incorporated copyright © 2005 - 2025 Sean Patrick Payne and Sam Dyer-Payne.