[Chapter 1: Occupant Sin 4]
Chapter 1: Occupant Sin 4
Mr. S. Pain goes to Spain! Travelling to a remote rural location with the Captain to buy a biological weapon, Pain finds himself suddenly up against a massive cult of Spanish brainwashed zealots out for his blood.
Can the intervention of a seven-foot Scotsman and a well-dressed woman who looks suspiciously like his accountant save the day? And what role does the druggie superagent Jack Bauser play in things?
(It's basically Resident Evil 4. Seriously.)
Episode published on Wednesday 3rd of October, 2007.
The infirmary is one of the creepier rooms of Resident Evil 4. It's dark, cramped, and littered with operating tables covered in bodies in various stages of surgery - some twisted in pain as parasites were ripped from their backs, others just plain manky. Things get complicated when one of the bodies inevitably stands up and tries to grab you in an effort to munch on your neck.
The body is actually a new enemy type - a Regenerator. Complications arise when you realise that they are damn near impossible to kill, until you learn the trick; there are growths all over their bodies that require shooting before they die. The growths are easier to see with an infrared scope, which you unfortunately don't find until facing one or two of the things without it.
Regenerators are like ugly (or uglier) Stretch Armstrongs - they can reach out and grab you with their rubbery arms, and then drag you kicking and screaming towards it (screaming in real life, not in the game).
Tagged: Ben Nevis, The Captain, Location - Burdener Island, Location - Spain, Max ValerionTitle - 56: "Occupant Sin 4"
Subtitle - xxxvii. "Infirm"
(Ben and the Captain walk into a dark, cool blue room past a sign with a red cross on it. This is an infirmary. The Captain is still trembling and sweating.)
Ben: Maybe we can find something for you here, laddie.
Captain: Menthols? Non-filtered? Anything!
(They both begin to root through the infirmary's cupboards. The Captain tosses bandages and plasters over his shoulder as he looks. In one of the wall-mounted cupboards, Ben finds some packets next to a skull, an eyeball and someone's arm.)
Ben: Ah found some nicotine patches!
(The Captain leaps up and snatches the packet from Ben's hand. The labelling clearly says, yet again conveniently in English, "NICOTINE PATCHES - APPLY TO ARM". He rips the bag open.)
Captain: This is an emergency!
(He sticks one of the patches into his mouth and chomps on it. Ben looks surprised. Drool appears in the corner of the Captain's mouth.)
Captain: Mmm, sweet, sweet nicotine.
(Pain steps around the corner, entering the room.)
Pain: Find any fags?
Captain: Heh heh, "fags". As in gay people.
(The Captain leans his head back, opens his mouth and flicks a nicotine patch into it.)
Pain: What are you...actually, I don't want to know.
(He notices a large window looking into an operating room. A large grey body is slumped over the operating table.)
Pain: Wow. Look at that corpse in there.
Captain: What the hell are they doing to it?
(The corpse suddenly lurches to life, sitting up. It reveals itself to be a twisted monster, all teeth and dead eyes. Ben prepares his gatling gun to shoot it, as Pain and the Captain look on in shock.)
Pain: Not enough, apparently.
Episode tagline: Captain actually discovered a cure for his lung cancer - he smoked it to death.
Detulux Incorporated copyright © 2005 - 2025 Sean Patrick Payne and Sam Dyer-Payne.