[Chapter 1: Occupant Sin 4]
Chapter 1: Occupant Sin 4
Mr. S. Pain goes to Spain! Travelling to a remote rural location with the Captain to buy a biological weapon, Pain finds himself suddenly up against a massive cult of Spanish brainwashed zealots out for his blood.
Can the intervention of a seven-foot Scotsman and a well-dressed woman who looks suspiciously like his accountant save the day? And what role does the druggie superagent Jack Bauser play in things?
(It's basically Resident Evil 4. Seriously.)
Episode published on Thursday 22nd of March, 2007.
A cave troll from Lord of the Rings turns up about three or four hours into Resident Evil 4. This generally goes without comment, until later when you start coming across various documents explaining that one possible mutation of Las Plagas is the El Gigante, lit. "The Giant" in Spanish (what can I say? Does what it says on the tin).
Fair enough, the villagers kept their Gigante locked behind a massive thick metal door, but once released into the makeshift pen that acts as a trap for Leon the only thing expected to keep the massive lump of muscle from wandering off was a flimsy wall made of wood. Considering that the Gigante could rip up entire trees and use them as melee weapons, it would have only been a matter of time before the thing wandered into one of the more sensitive areas of the villager's plot. Say, into the nearby encampment that also awaits Leon. Or even into the nearby Merchant's shop. Heheheh, I rather like the idea of that last one.
Tagged: The Captain, Location - Spain, Max ValerionTitle - 39: "Occupant Sin 4"
Subtitle - xx. "A Sean Bean Moment"
Narrator: 15 Minutes later-
(Pain and the Captain stare up at something that's above and behind the reader. All we can see is a vast shadow that is being cast by whatever is towering over them. Pain holds his recently-acquired chainsaw with uncertainty.)
Captain: Er...holy crap.
Pain: Run?
Captain: Run!
(They flee in terror from the vast creature behind them - all we can see is a big silhouette with evil red eyes.)
(Pain and the Captain run out of the fenced area they were in, grabbing the doors of the vast pen and slamming them to on the creature.)
Creature: RARGH!
SFX (doors): SLAM!
Creature: GRAAGH?!
Captain: *Puff*...they have a cave troll!
Pain: (unimpressed) Because we haven't heard that joke before.
(Pain looks up at the cast wooden doors of the creature's vast pen.)
Captain: What are we going to do?
Pain: It's fine. Apparently it's not smart enough to climb over or smash through this weak badly built wood wall.
Captain: That's what did King Kong in, you know. Walls.
(Pain makes a circle motion with his left index finger.)
Pain: I thought it was the bi-planes circling overhead shooting at him?
Captain: Nah, I meant in captivity.
Pain: Oh yes, quite. (He looks at the pen quizzically) It's gone quiet. Do you think it's okay?
(The creature, which indeed looks like a cave troll from Lord of the Rings, complete with loincloth, scratches its head with confusion.)
Troll: DURP?
Episode tagline: On the Naruto scale, this episode would be classed as filler.
Detulux Incorporated copyright © 2005 - 2025 Sean Patrick Payne and Sam Dyer-Payne.