[Chapter 1: Occupant Sin 4]
Chapter 1: Occupant Sin 4
Mr. S. Pain goes to Spain! Travelling to a remote rural location with the Captain to buy a biological weapon, Pain finds himself suddenly up against a massive cult of Spanish brainwashed zealots out for his blood.
Can the intervention of a seven-foot Scotsman and a well-dressed woman who looks suspiciously like his accountant save the day? And what role does the druggie superagent Jack Bauser play in things?
(It's basically Resident Evil 4. Seriously.)
Episode published on Sunday 1st of July, 2007.
I've seriously never seen an episode of 24 in my life, at least at the time of writing (which is 4 years after I did this strip!). Most of this episode was based on synopses and Wikipedia articles. And a video compilation on YouTube of all the times Jack Bauer said "damn it".
So what does 24 have to do with Resident Evil 4? Absolutely nothing! Other than the fact that Jack Bauer has a vaguely similar name to Jack Krauser. Who is Jack Krauser, you ask? He's a muscled commando type who turns up about two-thirds of the way through RE4 and is implied to have previously been one of the good guys (Leon's partner at one point, even). More on him in later strips, as he's teased to the player about halfway through Salvador's castle, and you don't see him until later, after finishing with the castle.
I've no idea why Jack's C.O. slowly transforms into a pimp-wannabe in this strip. Sometimes, things just happen.
Tagged: Jack Bauser, Location - Burdener Island, Location - Spain, Lord Almond BurdenerTitle - 47: "Occupant Sin 4"
Subtitle - xxviii. "The 'D' Word"
(We are shown a title card for a show. It is glowing letters on a black background, and the letters and numbers are digital.)
(An old man with a beard and grey hair wearing a smart coat, shirt and tie approaches a rugged blonde man in a grey shirt. On the grey shirt are the words "CUT 4 EVER".)
Old man: Hey Jack, someone's kidnapped your wife and kids!
Jack: Damn it!
Narrator: And so-
(We are now outside in an urban environment. Jack is wearing body armour while carrying a pistol, and stands by as his wife is shot in the chest in front of his eyes by an off-screen gunman.)
Narrator: Later-
(Jack is crying at the grave of his wife in the middle of a field, leaving a flower by its side. The gravestone reads "R.I.P. JACK'S WIFE". The old man is in the distance waving to him, this time wearing a long grey coat.)
Old man: Hey Jack, now you've saved the president we have to stop this bomb from going off in L.A.!
Jack: ...Damn it.
Narrator: Later still-
(Jack is in a dark room, naked, hung from a rope by his wrists. A man in a welding mask is applying electric cables to Jack's meat and two veg, and a censor bar is covering the private area in question. Jack is blatantly in immense pain.)
Narrator: Much later-
(Jack is sitting on a doctor's examination bed while a doctor examines his notes.)
Doctor: I'm afraid you've developed a heart condition.
Jack: (livid) DAMN IT!
Narrator: And thus-
(Outside the hospital, the old man approaches Jack again. He's wearing a lime green shirt and pink tie under his trenchcoat. Jack is moping, holding the doctor's notes in his hand.)
Old man: Hey Jack, great job with that bomb! But now we've got bio weapons in the hizzle!
(The old man walks away, Jack sneers as he comes to a moment of realisation.)
Jack: ...You know what? F**k it.
Narrator: And so-
(Jack is lying on a bed in a dimly lit room shooting a syringe of heroin into his arm.)
Jack: Heh...damn it...
Narrator: Back at the office-
(The old man enters the office, having now embraced his new colourful wardrobe with a matching purple coat and slacks. He talks to a blonde man in big glasses who is sat at a computer.)
Old man: Yo, where Jack be?
(The spectacled man turns to him.)
Glasses man: I heard he'd found the bio weapons and now he's gone A.W.O.L, dawg.
Note: A.W.O.L. stands for Absent Without Official Leave.
Old man: Aww, shiiit...
(We see another title card.)
Title card: The following takes place between one A.M. and two A.M.
(Jack approaches Burdener, who is seated on a throne in his inner sanctum.)
Burdener: Jack Bauser...
Episode tagline: Amazing, isn't it? You wouldn't believe that I've never actually seen a whole episode of 24 in my life. God bless Wikipedia.
Footnote: Spoiler alert. Oops, maybe a little late at this point.
Detulux Incorporated copyright © 2005 - 2025 Sean Patrick Payne and Sam Dyer-Payne.