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8: First Impressions

[Chapter 0: The Obligatory Introductory Arc]

8: First Impressions

Current Story:

Chapter 0: The Obligatory Introductory Arc

A protestor breaks into Detulux Incorporated demanding to see the manager, not realising that they are biting off more than they can chew...

Page Notes

Episode published on Sunday 17th of July, 2005.

I think the Boss might be channelling Dr. House in this strip. A more violent, Vicodin-deprived Dr. House, maybe.

As for my justification for this needless wanton violence, it's a well-known perk that the heads of major organisations of criminal and/or villainous intent are allowed to flagrantly beat, belittle and generally harass their staff members, partially because they are paying their wages but mostly because it is fun. I've never really agreed with executing henchmen to set an example though, you've got to draw the line somewhere otherwise it could become habitual (and each dead henchman means there's paperwork to fill out, you have to organise people to dispose of the body discreetly, there are family members of the deceased to pay off and it all could've been avoided by simply giving the incompetent lackey a clip round the ear-hole and some choice words about their mother).

I still can't believe that it was lupus, personally.

Tagged: Location - Detulux HQ, Location - Paris, France, Max Valerion, Newbie the Henchman



Title - 08: "First Impressions"

(The Boss pins the new guy down on the floor and holds his fisted right hand threateningly in the henchman's face. The henchman is terrified.)

The Boss: You have five seconds to explain why you woke me up and why I shouldn't break your face.
New guy: There's a man up on the roof.
The Boss: ...So far unimpressed. Go on.
New guy: He's protesting about something and I think he's got a gun.

(The Boss lets the henchman up a little and waggles his right index finger in the man's face.)

The Boss: Still unimpressed. Which roof is he on?
New Guy: Warehouse twelve.

(The Boss' face pauses in shocked realisation. He lets the henchman back up on his feet.)

The Boss: Suddenly I'm glad you woke me up. I won't break you. Not today, anyway.