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12: Environ-ment

[Chapter 0: The Obligatory Introductory Arc]

12: Environ-ment

Current Story:

Chapter 0: The Obligatory Introductory Arc

A protestor breaks into Detulux Incorporated demanding to see the manager, not realising that they are biting off more than they can chew...

Page Notes

Episode published on Tuesday 9th of August, 2005.

I remember how this strip came about. As I've mentioned in the notes for a previous strip, I used to bash these straight out with pen on paper without drafting in pencil beforehand. I must not have had a script either, as the entire theme of this strip from which the title is derived was drawn from the fact that when I drew the third panel, I accidentally left a gap in the word "environment". Rather than simply start again or, gods forbid, use computer software to rectify the mistake, I wrote it into the strip as one of the protester's odd quirks. That's the truth - I was just too naive to remember that you can change things when digitising a comic.

The term for the unusual approach to censoring swear words I used here is called "grawlixes" (or "grawlices"). The reason I stopped using it later on (when I started digitally wording pages) is because I already use exclamation and question marks frequently enough as it is, so using them as grawlixes just served to make things more confusing.

I also realise that the word "simper" has not been used in common parlance since circa. 1950s issues of British comic The Beano. I was a big Beano fan as a kid / teenager, which is why all my characters seem to sweat a lot. Seriously, pick up a copy of either the Beano or Dandy and see how many times characters express surprise, worry or exasperation through the medium of sweat. It's a bad drawing habit I picked up that I'm still trying to kick.

I can't remember why I went with a protester crisis for the introductory arc. Guess I have it in for environmentalists LAWL CONTROVERSY.

Tagged: Location - Detulux HQ, Location - Paris, France, Max Valerion, Melvin Pratt the Environ-mental Protestor, Newbie the Henchman



Title - 12: "Environ-ment"

(The protester up on the roof of warehouse twelve punches the air with his right hand. In his left hand, he holds a large placard on a stick with the words "SAY NO TO CORPORATIONS" on it. We can see his clothes now - a green sleeveless jacket, a pale green shirt with "SAVE THE WHALES" written on it accompanied by a cartoon whale, and a pair of black and red checked trousers.)


(Someone shouts a reply, they are off-panel so we do not see who it is. This reply catches the protester off-guard.)

Voice: WHY?

(We see that the replying voice belongs to Mr. Pain, who seems amused by the man up on the roof of his property.)

Pain: (to himself) Heh. "Environ-ment".

(Pain puts his hands together and brings them up to his face, mock-simpering like an adult cooing over a newborn baby.)

Pain: ...Aww! Isn't that nice? He's protesting about the environment!

(Suddenly, Pain changes his expression to a surly glare up at the man on his roof. He pauses, before quickly raising an accusing finger and a fist at the protester above him, yelling at the top of his lungs.)

New guy: Heh heh!