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Betty the Medic

Betty the Medic

Position: Medic
Age: Late 20's
Nationality: Canadian
Weapon of choice: Anesthetic and a lot of bandages
Fighting style: Doesn't have one, she's purely a healer
Likes: Chick flicks, cocoa, her collection of plushies, doing a good job
Dislikes: Disappointing her friends, people yelling at her, people ignoring her health advice
Interesting fact: For the first three months of Betty working for Detulux, Max completely forgot he had even hired a medic. This was due to a) Betty quickly learning that her monthly budget got approved faster if she went straight to the accountant, but mostly b) Max's tendency to heavily self-medicate with alcohol
Image: Preliminary photograph taken from the internal Detulux handbook from the section regarding the infirmary; the photograph was removed from circulation of the handbook as it reported caused various staff members to pass out

Betty comes from a poor family and struggled to pay for the education she'd need to achieve her dream: to become a doctor. She initially joined Detulux as a way of earning some money and experience whilst studying medicine. An unusual path into the field it may be, but Betty has acquired a wealth of knowledge and interesting anecdotes in the process; some are even related to her chosen career!

Betty is convinced that she is an arts and crafts wiz despite all evidence to the contrary. Works of note include the many health posters she sticks up around the base, various knitted and oddly-shaped jumpers she gives out as Christmas presents and the vase in her office that has so far been mistaken for an ashtray, a birdbath and, more frequently than she'd like to admit and far more times than appropriate, a bedpan.

Betty might genuinely be one of the only normal people at Detulux.

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